Emergency Services
We are fortunate to have multiple local emergency veterinary hospitals. If you have an after hours emergency with your pet, we would suggest one of the following facilities:
Medvet Akron
1321 Centerview Cir
Akron, Oh 44321
Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital Akron
1053 S Cleveland Massillon Rd
Akron, Oh 44321
Emergency Items to keep on hand
-Pet First Aid Kit
-Benadryl for allergic reactions, insect bites or stings, seasonal allergies
-Pet Thermometer
-Peroxide to induce vomiting (Use only with veterinary recommendation.)
-Activated charcoal to absorb poison (Use only with veterinary recommendation.)
-Betadine/Iodine to clean wounds
-Styptic Powder or Pen to stop bleeding from a broken or cut toenail
-PET POISON CONTROL NUMBER (ASPCA): 888-426-4435 Please note that all poison control call centers charge a fee for their services.
*NEVER give your pet acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or any other human pain relievers. They are toxic to pets and can cause organ failure and death.
Heartworm disease is caused by long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in the body. It is transmitted by mosquitoes, meaning that any pet that goes outside for even a short amount of time is at risk. Dogs should be tested for heartworm annually, beginning at 7 months of age.
We recommend giving monthly heartworm prevention year-round with one of the prescription medications available at our office. Your veterinarian will work with you to help you decide which medication is right for your pet. They can also recommend how to incorporate heartworm testing into your annual well visits or vaccine appointments to avoid an extra trip!
Fleas and Ticks
Ohio's flea and tick season is officially March-December. However, some ticks (including those that carry Lyme's disease) can survive the winter. If you live in an area prone to ticks, or if you've had fleas in your home, we recommend using flea and tick prevention year-round.
Our veterinarians will be happy to discuss the different prescription options we offer to prevent and treat flea and tick
We are happy to fill your pet's prescriptions right here in our office! Please give us a call at least 24 hours in advance for refills.
An implanted microchip combined with a visible ID tag on their collar is the most reliable way to recover a lost pet. One study shows that:
Dogs without microchips: Returned home 21.9% of the time
Dogs with microchips: Returned home 52.2% of the time
Cats without microchips: Returned home 1.8% of the time
Cats with microchips: Returned home 38.5% of the time .
CLICK HERE for more information provided by the AVMA.
*Microchips are not a replacement for visible ID tags, but a helpful addition to them.
Vet Visit Anxiety
Some pets can experience anxiety with visits to the veterinary office. We offer the following suggestions:
-Make trips to the veterinarian a positive experience! Drive your dog to the vet, get them out of the car, give them a treat, and head back home. Once you've done this a few times, you can actually go into the building (if the office isn't busy), give your pup a few treats in the lobby, and then back to the car. It won't take long for them to realize good things happen at the vet too!
-Exercise your dog before your visit so they have less energy for anxiety. Just like in people, going for a run can be very helpful in alleviating anxiety.
-Start with crate training. If your cat sees their carrier as a safe place, they will feel more comfortable both during their car ride and while waiting to see the veterinarian in the office.
The first step is to put the crate where your kitty and see, smell, and explore it. Leave the door open and drop treats into the crate during the day to encourage her to venture inside on her own. Once they're comfortable going into the crate on their own for treats, practice closing the door. First close it for only a few seconds, then gradually increase the duration, up to about 5 minutes. If at any time your cat is distressed, go back a step and stay at that step awhile longer. Once your kitty is happy staying in the crate, leave the crate where they can always access it.
-Pheromone sprays such as Feliway can be very effective in calming cats before a visit.
Both Dogs and Cats:
-Practice looking at your pet’s ears and teeth and hold their paws at home. This will make them more comfortable with the vet does their exam.
-Anxiety aids such as pressure wraps, pheromone sprays, or natural veterinarian approved products may be helpful.
-If none of these suggestions are effective, you may ask your vet about prescription anxiety medication for your visits.
Weight Management
Obesity in your pet can cause serious health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, joint pain, spinal issues, and arthritis. We will work with you to create a realistic plan to help your pet achieve and/or maintain a healthy weight.
Toxic and Potentially Toxic Household Items
Prescription and over-the-counter medications, some foods, cleaning products, and even plants can be harmful to your pets. CLICK HERE to view a helpful brochure the AVMA has published regarding household hazards and keeping your pet safe.